You have the power to create more accessible and supportive spaces at your workplace!
Follow these steps to join the global initiative, become a Period Positive Workplace, and gain access to a curated toolkit to support menstrual health at work.
To help you get started on your certification, view our Implementation Guide for step-by-step support to meet the three program requirements.
Work with your office administrator and/or team to transform your workplace into a Period Positive Workplace. Implement the following three practices at your workplace:
Provide Period Products
Provide free period products in (or near) every bathroom used by people who menstruate in your organization or workplace. Ensure that the location of products is well known and accessible.
Bathroom Facilities
Check that each bathroom at your workplace has a pit latrine or toilet in a well-lit, well-ventilated, safe area with a locking mechanism; hand-washing facility that includes clean water and soap or sanitizer; toilet paper; and a waste bin.
Notify Employees
Inform employees via a formal notice (email, announcement at a staff meeting, updates to employee benefits or HR handbook, etc.) that period products are and will continue to be provided.
Organizations can use this sample language to copy and paste into the employee benefits or HR handbook.
Fill out the Request Certification form.
You will receive Period Positive Workplace Certification within 1-2 weeks. If we need more information to grant Period Positive Workplace Certification, you will be notified over email.
Utilize the Period Positive Workplace Partner Package that will be sent to your email.
All company leadership and employees are encouraged to attend one "Gender Equality & Menstrual Health" webinar included in the package. These 30-minute webinars are hosted by The Policy Project and Days for Girls, exclusively for new Period Positive Workplaces.
Sample language to include in your benefits plan or policy:
Free menstrual products are provided in or near every bathroom for individuals who menstruate in our organization. These products are placed in well-known and easily accessible locations.
Each bathroom in our workplace meets the WHO’s Global Water, Sanitation, & Hygiene (WASH) standards, ensuring the availability of clean water, toilet paper, soap/sanitizer, and a waste bin.