Encourage Your Employer to Become a Period Positive Workplace

Advocating for the Period Positive Workplace

Employees can play a pivotal role in advancing menstrual health at their organization by serving as advocates for the Period Positive Workplace initiative. The resources below are curated to support employees in starting the conversation about menstrual health with leadership at their organizations.

If you would like additional support in advocating to your employer, email info@periodpositiveworkplace.org

Employee Resources

Use these fact sheets to explore data about menstruation in the workplace and the global impact of menstrual health.

Make a copy of this pre-built slide deck to use for pitching the Period Positive Workplace initiative.

Use this one-pager to introduce the Period Positive Workplace initiative and why a business should become certified.

The Implementation Guide is an independent resource to help organizations get started with providing period products.

This postcard provides a short summary of the requirements and benefits of the Period Positive Workplace initiative.